P-Shot treatment for erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and male organ size correction

P-Shot treatment for erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and male organ size correction WHAT IS A P- SHOT? The P- Shot is named for the Greek god of fertility. The procedure consists of 6 penile injections that enhance blood flow and improve erection quality by up to 98%! The P-Shot utilizes platelet-rich plasma. The concentrated platelets release growth factors called cytokines and chemokines which stimulate the growth of new blood vessels and induce collagen. The improved density and circulation in the tissue results in better penile function, firmness and enh anced size and sensitivity. BENEFITS OF THE P- SHOT 1. Improved erection (5 point increase based upon a 25 point medical scale) 2. 60% of patients report an increase in penis length (up to a ½ inch) and girth 3. The feeling of a more youthful and restored functionality in sexual performance 4. Dramatically improved blood flow 5. Because P-shot is autologus (your own), there are no systemic side effects or risks 6....